Every day we receive numerous emails, DMs and messages with questions about Selection (SFAS), the 18D course and more! It is great and we love hearing from our Ready Warriors but it is impossible to respond to every question directly, so we decided to take these great questions and do a weekly FAQ Friday story series on IG and a monthly blog post highlighting the most common questions we were asked during the previous month.

So here are the most common questions we were asked in July about Selection and the 18D course.

FAQ about Selection (SFAS)

What if I have a disciplinary record? Will that stop me from being SF?           

Depends. SF isn’t made up of saints, but it’s wise to ask an SF recruiter whether your previous history will prevent you from going.

Do you have to be big to make it through selection?

No, absolutely not. SF guys come in all sizes. You do have to be in great shape and ruck well though.

How do I prepare for selection?                                                                     

Be well-rounded. Don’t be a linebacker who can’t run, or a runner who can’t handle a heavy rucksack.  

How do I mentally prepare for selection?                                                          

To quote Eric Thomas: "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful."

Can we bring any Motrin or Vitamins to Selection?

No. Non-essential medications are strictly forbidden. Prior approval must be attained before bringing any medication for illnesses.

What are some good standards to shoot for in preparation for selection?     

A general guidelines is to be able to run 35-37 min for 5 miles. Ruck should be 11-13 min/mile indefinitely. Rule of thumb is do your absolute best, all the time. Faster is always better. Ruck tips in our blog post here.


FAQ about the 18D MOS/course

I’m 17. Any advice on becoming an 18D?

Finish school. Stay out of trouble.

Any ways to guarantee getting the 18D MOS after Selection?

Short answer, no guarantees. You will be assigned an MOS based off the needs of the regiment. However, having a 4-year degree, any sort of medical background including EMT, scoring a 120 or above on your GT and simply requesting the 18D MOS will all help your cause. While there is no guarantee, SF always seems to need 18D’s, so your chance of getting it is pretty good if you have at least some of the above qualifications.

What was your favorite part of the 18D course?
Rotations. Your experiences at the Hospitals you get to work at on rotation are some of the best hands-on experiences you’ll ever have in your life.


We will be posting new FAQ every Friday, so if you have a question - drop us a line here or via IG/FB! 

Ready Warrior
Tagged: FAQ