Warrior Deck-Army Playing Cards

$12.99 $15.99

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Playing cards are a staple when killing time on deployment, drinking games and poker nights. Instead of playing with the typical boring deck, upgrade to the most unique playing card deck on the market!

We collaborated with RoskiArts LLC, a fellow veteran artist, to create a deck of playing cards with 54 unique drawings of different Army MOSs. Hand drawn cards with the influence of over 50 MOSs covering a wide variety of specialties. From 11B's (Infantry) to 154E (Chinook 160th), we are proud to represent the Army in our playing card deck! 

Perfect stocking stuffer, perfect to bring something unique to a party!

MOSs included are listed, but you'll just have to get one to see which card is which! 

11B, 11C, 12B, 12C, 12D, 12F,  13B, 13F, 13J, 15W, 18A, 18B, 18C, 18D, 18E, 18F, 18Z, 19D, 19K, 25B, 25C, 29E, 31B, 31D, 31E, 31K, 35F, 35M, 35N, 35P, 35Q, 35S, 37F, 38B,  68W, 68W1, 68WF2, 88M, 88K, 88H, 89D, 91B, 91F, 91J, 92R, 152F, 153D, 153E, 154C, 154E